Browser Extension Setup
To allow your end users to play Nickelled DAP guidance, you’ll need to ensure that they have the browser extension installed and enabled.
The extension currently supports Chrome and Edge.
The extension can been installed by visiting
It is available from the Chrome Web Store via the following link:
While individual users can use the above link, we recommend that the extension is deployed automatically for all users via Chrome Browser Cloud Management, a device management program/MDM push, or similar. Your corporate IT team should be able to advise.
Once the extension has been installed, follow these steps to activate it:
Click Extensions in the Chrome/Edge menu bar
Find ‘Nickelled Flows Player’, and click the three dots next to it
Click Options:
4. Go to your Nickelled site to get your organisation’s extension ID. You’ll find it under Integrations > Browser Extensions, or you can go directly to the link here:
5. Copy the Extension ID into the Extension ID field in the extension:
6. The extension will attempt to automatically determine the User ID from the browser identity, but you may want to set this from your device management policy.
7. Should you wish to enable audience segmentation, you can pass in comma-separated data for the user in the User Profile field. For example { "admin": true, "job_title": "sales" } would identify the user as an admin user with the job title of sales. This will need to be set by your device management policy.
8.Click Save
If you are force-installing the extension on your user’s browsers, you may need to script the above steps to ensure the user’s extension is configured correctly.
Congratulations! You have successfully set up the Nickelled DAP player.